01 February

Quality Assurance

 Implement quality assurance mechanisms to ensure the authenticity and reliability of market information and transactions on the platform. Verify seller profiles, product listings, and transaction records to maintain trust and credibility among users.

24 January

Virtual Study Groups and Tutoring Sessions

Organize virtual study groups and tutoring sessions facilitated by volunteers or subject matter experts to support students and adult learners in their online learning endeavors. These sessions can provide additional guidance, clarification, and peer-to-peer support.

17 October

Community Tech Meetups

 Host regular tech meetups and networking events to bring together technologists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from the local community. Create a platform for sharing ideas, experiences, and resources, and foster a supportive and inclusive tech ecosystem.

11 October

Impact Evaluation and Program Sustainability

Design a comprehensive framework for evaluating the long-term impact and sustainability of digital skills training provided by TechGirl Uganda and TechBoy Uganda.   Identify key indicators and methodologies for measuring changes in participants’ lives, community development, and program scalability.

29 September

Data Collection Tools

 Design and implement data collection tools such as surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, and observation checklists to gather quantitative and qualitative data on program outcomes and impact indicators. Train staff and volunteers on data collection protocols and ethical considerations.

14 September

Policy Implications and Advocacy Strategies

Analyze existing policies and regulations related to digital literacy and education in Uganda, and propose recommendations for enhancing their effectiveness. Discuss advocacy strategies for promoting government support, private sector partnerships, and donor funding to sustain and expand initiatives like TechGirl …

30 May

Data Analysis and Reporting

Analyze collected data using appropriate statistical methods, data visualization techniques, and qualitative analysis approaches. Prepare regular reports summarizing key findings, trends, successes, challenges, and lessons learned from program implementation. Share reports with stakeholders to inform decision-making and promote transparency.

28 March

Capacity Building Programs

 Offer capacity building programs and training sessions for platform administrators, moderators, and support staff to effectively manage and maintain the platform. Provide training on user management, content moderation, dispute resolution, and security protocols.

13 January

Impact Assessments

Conduct periodic impact assessments or evaluations to assess the long-term effects and broader socio-economic impacts of programs on the community. Use mixed-methods approaches to triangulate data, validate findings, and capture nuanced insights into program outcomes and unintended consequences.