04 May

Pitch Competitions

To foster innovation and address community challenges effectively, we are actively involved in organizing pitch competitions where individuals or teams present their digital solution ideas. These competitions serve as platforms for showcasing innovative ideas and encouraging community members to actively …

19 March

Digital Service Awareness Campaigns

 Launch awareness campaigns to inform community members about the availability and benefits of accessing government services online. Use a variety of channels, such as social media, community events, flyers, and local media outlets, to reach a wide audience and encourage …

16 March

Digital Divide and Equity Considerations

Critically assess the extent to which awareness campaigns address underlying barriers to digital inclusion, particularly among marginalized or underserved populations.     Explore strategies for fostering equitable access to campaign messages and ensuring that vulnerable groups are not left behind in …

15 March

Career Counseling and Guidance

Offer career counseling and guidance services to help individuals explore career options, set career goals, and develop a career action plan. Career counselors can provide personalized support and advice based on individuals’ interests, skills, and aspirations.

14 March

Feedback Mechanisms

 Establish feedback mechanisms to gather input from users (both buyers and sellers) on their experience with the platform. Use feedback to identify areas for improvement, address user concerns, and enhance the platform’s functionality and usability.

22 February

Partnerships with Educational Institutions

 Collaborate with schools, colleges, and universities to integrate technology education and digital literacy programs into their curricula. Provide resources, training materials, and guest lectures to support educators in teaching STEM subjects and coding skills to students.

17 February

Digital Literacy Training

 Conduct digital literacy programs aimed at farmers and local communities to enhance their skills in using online platforms for agricultural transactions. Teach participants how to navigate the platform, create profiles, list products, and complete transactions securely.

04 February

Agricultural Technology Hackathons

 Organize hackathons or innovation challenges focused on developing digital solutions for agriculture-related challenges faced by farmers. Bring together farmers, technology developers, researchers, and entrepreneurs to collaborate on designing and prototyping innovative tools and technologies tailored to the needs of smallholder …

04 February

Mobile Applications for Farmers

 Develop or promote mobile applications tailored to the needs of farmers, providing access to valuable resources such as market information, weather updates, pest management strategies, and agricultural extension services. Train farmers on how to use these apps effectively to make …