23 March

Cultural Sensitivity and Contextual Adaptation

In the context of TechGirl Uganda and TechBoy Uganda, we recognize the significance of cultural sensitivity and contextual adaptation in designing effective awareness campaigns for diverse communities, including those in the Gomba Kanoni District of Uganda. By understanding and respecting …

04 March

Long-Term Behavior Change and Sustainability

In our efforts with TechGirl Uganda and TechBoy Uganda, we actively investigate factors influencing the sustainability of behavior change outcomes beyond the duration of awareness campaigns, particularly within the community of Gomba Kanoni District, Uganda. We recognize that lasting change …

04 March

Digital Skills Training

In our commitment to fostering digital empowerment in the Gomba Kanoni District of Uganda, we offer comprehensive training programs and workshops aimed at enhancing digital literacy and technical skills among community members. Through these initiatives, individuals are equipped with essential …

24 February

Health Education Webinars and Seminars

As part of our commitment to promoting community health and well-being in the Gomba Kanoni District of Uganda, we regularly host webinars and seminars on various health topics. These sessions feature esteemed guest speakers, including physicians, nurses, and nutritionists, who …

04 February

Baseline Surveys

As an integral part of our initiatives in the Gomba Kanoni District of Uganda, we conduct baseline surveys at the beginning of each program to establish key indicators and benchmarks for measuring impact. These surveys enable us to gather essential …

27 January

Language and Accessibility Support

As part of our commitment to ensuring inclusive access to government services online in the Gomba Kanoni District of Uganda, we offer language and accessibility support services. Through translated materials, assistive technologies, and alternative formats, we aim to accommodate the …

04 January

Collaboration with Government Agencies

As part of our commitment to enhancing access to online services in the Gomba Kanoni District of Uganda, we actively forge partnerships with local government agencies. Through these partnerships, we advocate for the development of user-friendly online portals and work …

02 January

Telemedicine Awareness Campaigns

As part of our efforts to support the people of Gomba Kanoni District in Uganda, we have launched awareness campaigns to promote telemedicine and its benefits. Through informational sessions, webinars, and educational materials distributed via various channels, we directly engage …